Deep Security is a well-established Security Services and Solution Provider with Technology Solution such as Security Manpower / Remote Guarding services, Virtual security solutions. We are licensed by the Police Licensing & Regulatory Department of the Singapore Police Force since 2009, We are also a Reseller and Distributor of Technology Solutions.

Deep Security Management is lead by Mr. TJ Singh who has a Professional Qualification in Security Studies and Training which enables him to leverage the latest technologies like AI technology, radar, lidar, heat sensing, and advanced security cameras in our remote proactive monitoring services. He is also ACTA qualified to teach and assess officers on their competencies and we are therefore able to do professional in-house training for our Command Centre with AI Capability , Response Team and Security Guards on Site.

Deep Security has been providing quality security services, including virtual video monitoring and remote security guard services, to commercial, industrial and residential buildings and Events in Singapore for property protection.

We are also the preferred Security agency for Event security services in Singapore. We have provided security officers for events ranging from a 1-man small event to international events requiring manpower of up to 350 men. Our services include virtual greeter and concierge services for events.

Deep Security is also one of the top Security Agencies in Singapore Providing Outcome-Based Contract that leverage remote guarding technology to minimise client costs while maximising the security provided through centralized virtual surveillance, live safety monitoring, and proactive remote security services.

Our virtual security services officers provide a visible security presence, demonstrating a broad range of skills from general guarding to highly specialised security roles. We have a team of highly experienced security professionals that possess the relevant expertise to protect both you and your interests using the latest in remote surveillance and virtual guarding technology.

We provide tailor-made security solutions for our clients, including remote security services that leverage intrusion detection, motion sensing, video auditing and other advanced technologies. We are organized with a standard process in place to understand and service current market demands. Our team of security experts comprises professionals with experience from the Singapore Police Force and other uniformed groups.

Our state-of-the-art Security Operations Centre allows us to provide 24/7 remote security monitoring, alarm monitoring virtual Escort, and even Voice Down announcements through audio speakers to deter crime. With our Virtual Guard solution, you get the crime prevention benefits of an on-site security guard at a fraction of the cost, with the added benefit of quicker law enforcement response times when needed. We also provide CCTV System maintenance to ensure all security systems are functioning optimally.


15+ Years of Security Services

15 years of experience in the security industry in Singapore, and they possess the various qualifications required to train, deploy and maintain qualified security officers.


100% Customer Satisfaction

Tech Distribution and security services based on our client’s requirements, to ensure we provide the highest quality service to protect and defend their interests.


24/7 Security Services

24/7 Security Command centre and Response Team provide you with round-the-clock security and safety. We understand the importance of your peace of mind, which is why we prioritize it at all times.


Happy Clients


Qualified Employees


Sites Protected


Years of Experience



The services below are only a small amount of the many security options we can provide to your interests.


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